Any service, paid for or not, must be judged on it’s results. So you will find below the detailed results for the NEWSLETTERS for:

  1. The Hints & Tips section
  2. The B2L section

Overall RESULTS:


The H&T Newsletter contains between 5 and 8 selections which are separated into different categories and represent our opinion of the best trading opportunities for the day.

The below chart shows the overall profit in points over time.

The spreadsheet contains details of how these are also broken down by category.

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Insidetraxs H&T Newsletter 2yr Profit performance


The Hints & Tips Newsletter has delivered a profit every month for the last 24 months. In March 2024 we underperformed with only 6 points profit. NAPs, which normally deliver good profit and have a strike rate above 50%, only had 4 from 12 selections but still broke even. The month suffered from 5 lays winning but B2Ls and NBs did well and so we at least turned a profit again. See the spreadsheet above for more details.


The Back to Lay (B2L) Newsletter has selections which have been chosen based around very specific criteria. Every horse is analysed and assessed on it’s runs to date. The criteria a horse must pass are:

  1. Has the horse traded at or below 50% of it’s Betfair Starting Price (BSP) in it’s races to date at least 80% of the time (min 5 races).
  2. Is the race today similar in terms of class, distance, going etc to those previous races where he/she ran at <50% of BSP.
  3. My own input – commonsense input regarding competition, how the race is likely to be run, jockey etc This assessment will also result in a allocation of a star rating to the selection (1-5*) which show my confidence in the selection and also form the basis for the staking system.

There can be as many as 8 selections who qualify and pass the above criteria or none.

The spreadsheet below has the detailed results of every selection by month. It shows the profit achieved if using a Double or Bust (DOB) strategy and using two 50% Return on Investment (ROI) strategies – one based on backing at BSP (Old Process) and one based on taking an early price (New Process).

It is very clear that DOBBING profits are highly volatile and negative long term whereas the 50% ROI is less volatile and delivers profits most months and long term.

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B2L Insidetraxs Newsletter profit chart

Insidetraxs B2L Newsletter profit chart (Old process)


Here is the overview from April ’22 to March ’24:

Insidetraxs Summary of B2L profits


MARCH 2024 WAS RECORD MONTH for the New Process; which is recommended. Several selections delivered the required 50% profit before the off which made a big difference and explains to a great extent the gap between the Old and the New Process.

It is clear that in combination with Insidetraxs selection criteria – Double Or Busts (DOBs), are make losses (14 of the last 24 months) and it is not recommended as a trading strategy.

Based on Insidetraxs unique selection criteria and the New Process, the B2L Newsletter has delivered 151.4pts profit (35% ROI) with 10 of the last 13 months being profitable.